

[Solidity] How to receive multiple return values?

This section describes how to receive multiple return values in a function in Solidity. Syntax To receive multipl...

[Solidity] How to write the struct (structure)?

This section explains how to write struct in Solidity. Syntax Here is how to write the struct (structure) in Soli...

[Solidity] What is OpenZeppelin?

This section describes OpenZeppelin, which is always used for Solidity development. Knowing OpenZeppelin will greatl...

[Solidity] How to resolve "Function declared as pure, but this expression (potentially) reads from the environment or state and thus requires "view"" error?

When you first started writing Solidity, you would often encounter the error 'Function declared as pure, but this expre...

[Solidity] How to resolve "Function state mutability can be restricted to pure" error?

When you first start writing Solidity, you will often encounter the error "Function state mutability can be restricted ...

[Solidity] How to use the switch statement?

This section explains how to use the switch statement in Solidity. Conclusion: The switch statement is not supported...

[Solidity] What is onlyOwner?

This section describes "onlyOwner", which is always found in Solidity code. What is onlyOwner? onlyOwner is "a mo...

[Solidity] What is a constructor?

This section describes "constructor", which are always found in Solidity code. What is a constructor anyway? A co...

[Solidity] How to check for existence in mapping?

This section describes how to check for the existence of a mapping in Solidity. Conclusion: Mapping has no method to...

[Solidity] How to get the mapping length?

This section explains how to get the mapping length in Solidity. Conclusion: There is no method to get the length of...