[Solidity] Basic Arithmetic Operations

This section explains the basic arithmetic operations (addition/subtraction/multiplication/division) in Solidity.

It also describes remainders and powers.


The basic arithmetic operations in Solidity are similar to those in other programming languages.

A table summarizing them is given below.

CalculationArithmetic OperatorExample
addition+a + b
subtraction-a - b
multiplication*a * b
division/a / b
remainder%a % b
power**a ** b
Basic Arithmetic Operations (Solidity)

Sample Code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

contract Test {
    uint public addition = 1 + 1;       // addition
    uint public subtraction = 1 - 1;    // subtraction
    uint public multiplication = 1 * 2; // multiplication
    uint public division = 2 / 2;       // division
    uint public remainder = 3 % 2;      // remainder
    uint public power = 2 ** 10;         // power


Solidity is unique, but it is a bit of a relief to know that it is the same as a normal programming language when it comes to the basic arithmetic operations.
