[Solidity] How to write the struct (structure)?

This section explains how to write struct in Solidity.


Here is how to write the struct (structure) in Solidity.

The contents of a struct are a set of data type and variable name that defines the variable.

struct structure name {
    data type 1 variable name 1;
    data type 2 variable name 2;
    data type n variable name n;

Sample Code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

contract Test {
    // Structure
    struct User {
        string name;
        uint age;
        address wallet;

    User[] public users;

    function addUser(string memory _name, uint _age, address _wallet) public {
        User memory newUser = User({
            name: _name,
            age: _age,
            wallet: _wallet

    function getUser(uint _index) public view returns (string memory, uint, address) {
        User memory user = users[_index];
        return (user.name, user.age, user.wallet);


struct (structure) are used when you want to handle multiple variables together. In the sample code, since I want to manage the name/age/wallet address of each user, I do not define variables individually, but treat them as a single variable by using the structure User.
